“Since buying this shirt: I have been invited to sing national anthems at baseball games. People have stopped treading on me. Women address me as Mr. Theodore Abraham Washington, the LXIX before throwing themselves at my feet (which generally hover above the ground). I can drink 16 oz of Budweiser out of a 12 oz can. Border patrol agents monitor my fence line. The terrorists have put me on a watch list.
This shirt is the real deal; a Russian guy put this shirt on and caught fire. the shirt survived. because America. If you still haven’t bought the shirt it’s because you lack testicular fortitude.”
Produced & shipped from USAÂ 
Shipping Infomation
- Processing Time: It takes 1 – 3 days to ship your order from our warehouse to logistics companies.
- Shipping Time: You will receive your order from 3 – 7 business days (depends on shipping method) from the date that it is shipped out, not the date the order is placed.
- Please note:Â We process orders on business days, which are Monday – Friday, Eastern Standard Times, exluding weekends or holidays observed by the Post Office: New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
- Tracking Number:Â When available, we will send you a tracking number with the confirmation email so that you can track the package online.
Return & Warranty
- Secure payment with SSL Encryption.
- If you are not happy with your purchase, we will work to correct the problems. Items can be returned/exchanged within 30 days of delivery date. (Please check our Return & Exchange Policy below).